Sunday, October 4, 2009

Off to Chile!

Hola everyone!

I leave for Santiago, Chile tomorrow afternoon! These past 2 months in the missionary training center have gone by so fast, it is hard to believe. My Spanish is better and I now definately appreciate all that my Spanish teacher tried to teach me in high school.

There have been some very spiritual experiences for me here and it is hard to describe how great it is to be with other missionaries who have the same goals(and hopes) as I do.

I am so excited to go to Chile and work with the people there and I am very pumped!!

Thank you to everyone that has been praying for me and writing to me while I've been here. Your examples have been a real strength to me and I appreciate everything you all have done for me.

The Gospel is true and I'm grateful for the Bible, the Book of Mormon, and for prophets on the earth who receive direction from our Savior, Jesus Christ, to lead the people of His Church.

Elder Andrew (AC) Johnston

P.S. My folks are going to try to update the blog each week with my emails from Chile!

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